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Chucao Yelcho Lodge, Patagonia – Chile Lake Yelcho is one of the Chilean Patagonia’s most reknowned sport fishing destinations. The lake is famous for the spectacular rises of large trout to dragonflies that swarm near the edges of the lake each summer....


Lake Rosselot, Patagonia – Chile Rosselot Lodge is located on the shore of the lake with the same name about 1 and a half hours south of Yelcho along the Austral Highway. This a mountainous area of lush temperate rainforests, gin clear water rivers that tumble...
Tierra del Fuego

Tierra del Fuego

Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego – Chile Known for its incredible sea run brown trout, this legendary river is the largest on the island of Tierra del Fuego. There is no better place in the world to catch a trophy sea-run brown trout. Fish in the 10 to 15 pound...
Puelo River

Puelo River

Puelo River, Chile As it tumbles down from Argentina, through Chile in route to the Pacific Ocean, the Puelo River picks up a dozen tributaries which provide habitat for trout and spawning beds for salmon. In the area closest to the sea, migratory rainbow trout, brown...

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