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Minnivallalaekur River

Minnivallalaekur River

Minnivallalaekur River, Iceland The Minnivallalaekur River also known simply as the Minni, is a slow flowing meandering stream originating in several upwellings of subterranean waters, which makes it a genuine spring creek.  The Minni is not a river known for great...
Río Midfjardará (ENG)

Río Midfjardará (ENG)

Midfjardará, Islandia Midfjardará is the quintessential experience in Atlantic salmon fishing in Iceland. Located in north-western Iceland, this wonderful river runs 115 km from its source to its mouth. Four rivers make up the river system including the main...
Río Midfjardará (ENG)

Río Midfjardará (ESP)

Midfjardará, Islandia Midfjardará is the quintessential experience in Atlantic salmon fishing in Iceland. Located in north western, Iceland, the river runs 115 km from its source to its mouth. Four rivers make up the river system including the main river the...
Río Midfjardará (ENG)


Midfjardará River Flyfishing for Salmon in Iceland’s Finest Natural River The Midfjardará system offers the quintessential experience in Atlantic salmon fishing in Iceland. Located in north-western Iceland, this wonderful river runs 115 km from its source to its...
Tungufljot River

Tungufljot River

Tungufljot River, Iceland The Tungufljot River is the probably the best river in Iceland for sea trout with beautiful pools with great fly water and good wading. Local fishermen consider it Iceland’s answer to the Rio Grande in Tierra del Fuego because of the...

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