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Coho Salmon and More

Coho Salmon and More

COHO, CHUM, SOCKEYE & PINK SALMON DESTINATIONS ALASKA Kenai River This is the destination to fish for the “salmon of your life”. The Kenai River produces the largest king salmon in the world, with fish that have been registered at over 100 lb in...
Chinook Salmon

Chinook Salmon

CHINOOK SALMON DESTINATIONS ALASKA Kenai River This is the destination to fish for the “salmon of your life”. The Kenai River produces the largest king salmon in the world, with fish that have been registered at over 100 lb in weight. It also offers...


STEELHEAD DESTINATIONS ALASKA & CANADA Ayakulik River, Kodiak The best salmon river on the island of Kodiak. This is an ideal destination to sight fish for kings or cohos on the fly. It also produces some of the largest cohos in Alaska. Later in the season it...
Sea-Run Brown Trout Fishing Destinations

Sea-Run Brown Trout Fishing Destinations

SEA-RUN BROWN TROUT FLY FISHING DESTINATIONS ARGENTINA & CHILE Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego No other river in the world can rival the Rio Grande in Tierra del Fuego in the number of large sea-run brown trout it produces. An average fish will run about 9 or 10...


TROUT DESTINATIONS NORTH AMERICA Kvichak River The Kvichak is one of North Ameica’s legendary trout rivers. The rainbows become huge here gorging on the eggs and flesh of the millions of sockeye that return to the river every year to spawn. Kenai River This is...

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